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Zhu Guojin came to the SEPCOIII for exchange and guidance

2024-3-22 20:20:28

On the morning of March 22, PowerChinaVice President Zhu Guojin, the Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman, and General Manager of Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited, met with our company to impart guidance. Zhao Qiming, Party Secretary, Chairman, and General Manager of SEPCOIII, Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited Party Member and Deputy General Manager Yang Xiaohui and Deputy General Manager Liu Fangjiang of SEPCOIII, were present at the meeting.

Zhu Guojin expressed appreciation for the achievements made by SEPCOIII in deepening reform. He introduced the historical evolution, market layout, and future strategic development plan of Beijing Institute. He stated that SEPCOIII has strong internationalization capabilities, a large brand influence, and high project management level. It has high business compatibility and strong complementarity with Beijing Institute. Looking forward, he hopes that both sides will seize the industry’s opportunities, grasp policy opportunities, develop characteristic industries, carry out comprehensive and in-depth cooperation, work together to write a new chapter of win-win development, and create a new situation of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Zhao Qiming welcomed the arrival of Zhu Guojin, expressing gratitude for the trust, support, and care that the group company and Beijing Institute have always given to the company. He introduced the company’s strategic layout, EPCO industrial chain, etc. He stated that Beijing Institute has outstanding advantages, strong strength, and rich experience, with broad prospects for cooperation with the company. He hopes that both parties can leverage their respective professional advantages, actively innovate cooperation models, and achieve coordinated efforts in the domestic market in traditional energy, new energy, and infrastructure sectors, while jointly exploring international markets, accelerating the formation of new productive forces, and contributing the greatest strength to the high-quality development of the group company.

During the visit, Zhu Guojin and his team visited the company’s corporate culture exhibition hall, and learned in detail about the company’s development history, core advantages in the field of solar thermal, engineering performance, and other related information.

Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited and SEPCOIII personnel attended the meeting.
